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The problem with race-based medicine - Dorothy Roberts (Ted Talk)
A foundational talk for our work! Link includes transcriptions in multiple languages. “Social justice advocate and law scholar Dorothy Roberts has a precise and powerful message: Race-based medicine is bad medicine. “
From race-based medicine to race-conscious medicine: how anti-racist uprisings call us to act
A Lancet article turned beautifully animated video that breaks it all down. By Jessica Cerdeña, Marie Plaisime, and Jenny Tsai; animated by Nora Rodriguez.
Prioritizing Equity video series: Police Brutality & COVID-19
A panel discussion addressing police brutality and structural racism as a root cause of health disparities in the context of COVID-19. Featuring IHJ founder Edwin Linda, Rhea Boyd, Atheendar Venkataramani, Roger A. Mitchell, Jr., Rupa Marya, and Aletha Maybanks. Link includes full written transcription. Other topics in the AMA Prioritizing Equity video series (including racism as a root cause) can be found here.
Structural Competency Innovations and Opportunities in the Era of COVID-19: webinar series
A three-part webinar series from the Structural Competency network on the intersectional roots and effects of COVID-19. Find the recordings at the following links (transcriptions are not currently available). Part 1) Basic Needs and First Responses Part 2) Medically Marginalized Populations and Part 3) Global Responses
Recording of Abolishing Biological Race in Medicine presentation
A recording of the 5/13/2020 presentation and panel discussion on Abolishing Biological Race in Medicine by the Institute for Healing and Justice can be found here. Transcription is forthcoming (but currently not accessible).
The Praxis
A podcast connecting theory and practice for health justice. Hosted by IHJ founder Edwin Lindo, JD, this podcast aims to directly address and explore the effects of racism and other forms of marginalization so that we can collectively achieve health justice. We will journey through history, theory, science & medicine by embracing storytelling, interviews, and community expertise.
Not Built for Us
Audio essays from IHJ founder Angela Zhang on the intersections of medicine, structure, & the marginalized. This is not a podcast about health disparities, or even about unconscious bias. I question the spaces and invisible structures that perpetuate oppression in medicine, and learn from other fields to dismantle these structures.
Birth Stories in Color
Birth Stories in Color is a podcast for Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latino, and Multiracial individuals to share their birthing experiences - a space that specifically celebrates, mourns with and supports them and their transformation through birth. Hosted by Laurel Gourrier and Danielle Jackson.
Woke WOC Docs
A Podcast By and For WOC in Medicine and Health Justice. We are Woke WOC Docs, a podcast about the lives of womxn of color in medicine/health justice, including their unique experiences, viewpoints, and struggles in medical education, research, and practice. We want to reveal the insights we as womxn of color uniquely have on how medicine can transform to end health injustices and be a better institution of health, well-being, and healing. Co-hosted by IHJ founder Bernadette Lim, Nicole Carvajal and Ivie Tokunboh.