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National Networks and
Student Groups
to know
Structural Competency: “New medicine for the inequalities that are making us sick.” A national network of health professional, students, researchers and advocates working to ensure all healthcare providers can recognize and respond to health and illness as the downstream effects of broad social, political, and economic structures. Check out their website to see the definition of structural competency, find training materials, and join the listserv to connect with upcoming actions and a network of other professionals and advocates.
Social Medicine: Campaign Against Racism: The goal of the Campaign Against Racism is to dismantle structural racism and its effects on health around the world by supporting local actions, efforts, and networks which aim to improve the health and lives of those most affected by racism, because racism kills. The Campaign Against Racism is organized to uncover the historical connections between racism and capitalism to radically imagine a future in which sociocultural, political and economic systems work towards health equity, rather than against it. We employ tactics of formalized reflection on the role of racial capitalism in each chapter’s work and experience. To get connected, please visit the website or join the SMC listserv to receive updates and action items.
Student National Medical Association: Diversifying the face of medicine since 1964. The Student National Medical Association (SNMA) is committed to supporting current and future underrepresented minority medical students, addressing the needs of underserved communities, and increasing the number of clinically excellent, culturally competent and socially conscious physicians. Find contact information, ways to connect and advocacy opportunities at your regional level and join the SNMA here .
White Coats for Black Lives: Our mission is to dismantle racism in medicine and promote the health, well-being, and self-determination of Black and Indigenous people, and other people of color. We work towards racial justice in our communities, medical care, and medical education. Get connected to local chapters and join WC4BL (or form a new chapter) here.
Campaign Against Racism: works to dismantle structural racism and its effects on health around the world by supporting local actions, efforts, and networks which aim to improve the health and lives of those most affected by racism, because racism kills. The CAR is a network of 23 chapters across 10 countries, started in 2018 after Dr. Camara Jones called for a Campaign Against Racism during the 2017 Social Medicine Consortium. Each chapter declares a strategic goal for their direct community and commits to be a part of the collective campaign. Get involved here.
National First Generation and Low-Income Medical Association: FGLIMed is a multi-institutional, national organization comprising first-generation college graduates and low-income pre-medical students, medical students, physicians, medical school faculty, and administrators who identify as FGLI, or support related efforts throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. We believe that the transition to cultural and socioeconomic equity in the physician workforce begins with the elevation of resources, community, and professional network for trainees whose strengths and perspectives drive innovation in the culture
and delivery of medicine. Join us here!
Latino Medical Student Association: LMSA unites and empowers medical students through service, mentorship and education to advocate for the health of the Latino community. LMSA advocates for Latinx students and patients across the pipeline, through policy, and much more. Find your region here, sign up for National Committees here, and register for the annual Policy Summit here.
Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association: APAMSA is a national organization of medical and pre-medical students committed to addressing the unique health challenges of Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA) communities. One part of our mission is to bring together Asians, Pacific Islanders and others interested in the health issues that affect Asians and Pacific Islanders so that we may have a strong, collective, public and political voice. Find your region, active chapters, or start a new chapter here.
Critical Humanities and Interdisciplinary Medical Education (CHIME) @UWSOM: Started recently by a group of graduate level students who want to share knowledge with each other for the sake of integrating perspectives from the humanities into medical education at the UW School of Medicine. At the moment, we represent anthropology, geography, art, philosophy, and medicine—we hope to learn from other justice-oriented groups like y’all and do reformative academic work. For more information, please contact Kevin Pu (kevinpu@uw.edu).
Clinics and Community Partnerships
Health Students Taking Action Together (H-STAT) in Georgia: Health Students Taking Action Together, Inc. (H-STAT) is a nonprofit, member organization run by health professional students in Georgia.H-STAT integrates health professional students and health allies to work towards bettering the health of Georgians through service, advocacy, and education.
Community and Students Together Against Healthcare Racism (CSTAHR): CSTAHR is a longitudinal community-based participatory research program founded in 2010 by Denver/Aurora community members and medical students at the University of Colorado School of Medicine to reduce disparities in health outcomes. CSTAHR aims to empower community members in the healthcare system, retrain health professional students in an anti-racist manner, and dismantle institutionalized racism in our hospitals, schools, and communities. Find out more at their website or by emailing cstahrproject@gmail.com.
Q Clinic: Q Clinic (qclinic.org) is a student-run clinic in New York committed to providing a safe space for anyone who walks through the doors to receive care. We hope others can connect with us via calls, texts, or emails - we are now open for TeleQlinic appointments to anyone located in NY by calling (347-565-5042) - as well as education events and our social media. For more information, especially for collaborations and advocacy regarding the LGBTQIA+ community in NYC, please contact Simran Chand (sc5175@cumc.columbia.edu).
Health Equity Circle - Harm Reduction team: Health Equity Circle is an inter-professional student-led organization with chapters across the nation that are building the skills and power to address health equity. We think education has to go beyond the classroom… We take action. Our newly formed Harm Reduction team is focused on community organizing and advocacy around health equity for people who use drugs (recognizing how this intersects with the issues of racism, class, housing insecurity, mental health, trauma, incarceration, etc.).
The Bigger Picture Project: The Bigger Picture (a partnership with UCSF’s Center for Vulnerable Populations at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital) inspires young people to change the conversation about Type 2 diabetes by exposing the environmental and social conditions that lead to its spread.
Freedom Community Clinic: Freedom Community Clinic offers community-centered healing that integrates ancestral, indigenous, and holistic practices with the strengths of Western medicine. All services are offered for free and/or at sliding scale to our communities in the Bay Area.
Discussion Groups and Book Clubs
Many people have let us know that they have started discussion groups and/or book clubs at their health profession schools or places of work. Here is an (incomplete) list of the places we know of - please contact us to add your name and contact information!
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, Class of 2024 (Bethlehem Michael bsmichael7@gmail.com)
UC Berkeley - UCSF Joint Medical Program Antiracism Praxis Group (Madeleine Kane mkane@berkeley.edu)